In August of 2023, Jigs finished her grand championship at the Glacier View Kennel Club Show with a Best of Breed win.
In August of 2023, Jigs finished her grand championship at the GVKC Show with a best of breed win.
Jigs dock diving at Pooch Pool’s Jump into July event 2023. In August of 2023, Jigs earned her Dock Diving Masters at the Comox Valley Exhibition. This girl can fly!
Jigs loves sprinter trials.
Jigs earned her sprinter novice on day two of competing. She is very fast.
Photos below are of Jigs over the years….
Jigs travelled from Nova Scotia to BC as an eight week old puppy. She was the perfect passenger!
Jigs and Zunga on a morning walk in the trails near our home.
Jigs enjoying the sunset
Jigs earned two dock diving titles in one weekend at the NADD event in Comox, BC! She now has her senior dock diving title. It is her favourite sport of all time. She quivers with excitement when she watches other dogs jump.
Jigs earned her Rally Novice in 2021 and her Rally Intermediate in June of 2022. Here she is after earning leg number one of three in Rally Novice at the Campbell River Dog Show in August 2021.
This was Jigs first dog show in 2021 – it was later than planned when she entered the show ring but I got her just a few months before the COVID pandemic of 2020. In this photo she’d just blown her coat but she won her class and won her first points. Miss P (Panagiota Rounis) showed Jigs in all her classes.
I was away when Jigs and Miss P won a four point major in a class at the Port Alberni Dog Show in October of 2021 to finish off her championship but they sent me a text with a photo to share the good news!