Scotiapride’s Acadian Jig and Oryxes Rainkist Bottle Rocket Rebel Litter

Born January 31, 2024. Three boys, two girls. We called them the Literary Litter and all had the names of famous Canadian writers.

For pedigree’s and health clearances go to K9 data ( and then to the archives where all the Toller information is now kept.

Jigs and Rocket, November 2023.

Rocket winning Best of Breed at the Victoria show, summer 2023.

Jigs winning Best of Breed at the Glacier View Show, Comox, August 2023.

Jigs’s Grand Championship announcement in Show Scene.

The Jigs and Rocket litter was born on January 31 and February 1, 2024 in the late hours of the night and the wee hours of the next morning. Five puppies, two girls and three boys.


The Eastwest Literary Litter at six weeks


The Eastwest Literary Litter at eight weeks above

The pups at eight weeks, their mom Jigs and their Dad Rocket. This appeared in Canadian Dog Fancier in the special Toller issue at the end of March 2024.